Pennsylvania Poor People’s Campaign Blog
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Why Isn’t Dental Fully Covered by Medicaid?
We need a comprehensive audit dental benefit in Medicaid and we are calling on our elected officials, the administration and the Governor to restore it today. Healthcare is a Human Right. It is not a privilege.

Linking Healthcare and A Healthy Planet
Environmental degradation in the U.S. exacerbates the healthcare crisis hurting America’s poor the most: there are 7,788 active fracking wells in Pennsylvania. Of course, the fossil fuel industry is just one of the industries that have compromised Pennsylvanians’ health and natural resources. Pittsburgh’s air quality was among the worst in the nation. And Philadelphia’s asthma rates are twice the national average.

How the Military Preys On the Poor
Uncle Sam had flung a coin to me…the beggar. I would get to do the honorable thing and serve my country while simultaneously climbing out of poverty…or so I thought. Instead, they found every reason possible not to allow me to get either the signing bonus or the G.I. Bill. Unfortunately, that meant my pathway out of poverty was taken away.

Pennsylvania is One of the Only States that Sentences ‘Death By Incarceration’
"They build these prisons to put people away and never think about what it’s doing to our communities. The money they put into the prison system — $40,000 put into housing one person every year - can go towards schools and housing and healthcare and low income communities."

Pennsylvania Poor People’s Campaign Kicks Off in Harrisburg
The Pennsylvania Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is an all-volunteer effort led by the poor and disposed, demanding an end to the inseparable evils of poverty, racism, militarism and the war economy.